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Our assessment and therapy approach, NEST, is based on the Neuronal Group Selection Theory by G. Edelman, and integrates into daily life.


The Early assessment, detection and intervention components of the NEST program are based on a novel approach developed by M. Hadders-Algra  and Tineke Dirks (Groningen, The Netherlands), the COPCA (Coping With and Caring for Infants with Special Needs) method.



The Nest Program is a new and unique program aimed at coaching parents of children and infants at risk from a very early stage. The unique features on which the program is based are:​


  1. Detailed and scientifically proven video assessment of your child's movement, which allows for quantitative analysis of children at risk.

  2. Unique and innovative approach where parents and family have a key role in the child's development.

  3. Ongoing detailed prospective analysis of progress with continuous feedback and modifications as needed.

  4. Prospective secure database

  5. Fun and enjoyable group activities that enrich and address each child's specific needs.


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The assessment goals are to predict functional difficulties as early as possible and to have a baseline of initial function in order to effectively monitor progress. The assessments also help us to set goals and focus on the child and family's needs.


We use carefully chosen, scientifically proven assessment tools:


For infants up to 4 months we use the General Movements (GM) assessment.


For ages of 3 to 18 months (or until the age of independent walking for a few months), we use the Infant Motor Profile (IMP). Both assessments are based on an analysis of a video, roughly 15 minutes in length, documenting spontaneous motor behaviour.  The IMP includes information about the infant's motor achievements, and also information about the manner and quality in which the infant accomplishes his/her achievements. In later ages, we use different assessment tools depending on the child's needs and goals.


To evaluate the infant's progress it is recommended to have the first assessment as early as possible and have a follow-up assessment in 4 to 6 months.

The video for the GM and the IMP assessments can be taken at your home or at your pediatrician’s office. One of our experienced staff will conduct the analysis and you will receive a detailed written report attached to the video. With your permission, some of the videos will be sent to the Developmental Neurology Department at the University Medical Centre in Groningen, the Netherlands, where these assessments, developed by professor Mijna Hadders-Algra and her staff, will be validated and reevaluated for research purposes.

A family can choose to have an assessment by our staff members without the intervention program and/or to join the intervention program later on.

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The NEST is a program designed for children from birth to 2 years old with developmental disorders.


Based on principles from the Neuronal Group Selection Theory (NGST) we offer at-home guidance, which will instruct the family and the caregivers on the best ways to provide the child the maximum opportunities for his/her development.

After that term we offer the family and the child a follow-up program and guidance with the same principles of NGST for educational programs if the child starts participating in one. 


For children who are ready for and enjoy group activities, enrichment and recreational programs will be tailored to their needs by the best instructors in each field to allow learning and skills development with joy, as each child deserves.

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